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How Crime Stoppers Queensland Protects Your Anonymity

Trust and safety are at the core of everything we do. Here’s how we ensure your anonymity while working together to keep Queensland a safe place.

19.09.2024 Local Legends

The Foundation of Our Service: Anonymity

From our inception, Crime Stoppers has been built on the principle of anonymity. We understand that coming forward with information about crime and suspicious activity can be daunting. People may fear retaliation or worry about their personal safety. That’s why we’ve implemented a robust system to protect your identity.

How We Ensure Anonymity

  1. Secure Reporting Channels: Whether you’re reporting online or via phone, our reporting systems are designed with your privacy in mind. No matter how you choose to reach out, your anonymity is protected. Calls to the Crime Stoppers hotline are not recorded and have no caller ID. When you submit a report online, your IP address is not logged.
  2. No Personal Identifiers: When you report a crime, we don’t ask for any personal identifiers. This means you can share what you know without disclosing who you are. When you submit a tip you will be assigned a unique reference number. Essentially this unique reference number becomes your identity that can be quoted if you want to contact us again with more information or to follow up to see whether you are eligible for a reward. Your unique code ensures your anonymity is preserved throughout the entire process.
  3. Silent Contributions – Your Impact and Our Appreciation: After you submit your information, it is carefully assessed and forwarded to the appropriate police service or relevant law enforcement agency for review and action. While we understand the desire for immediate results, it’s important to recognize that crime investigations can be complex and may take time. Your tip might be a crucial piece of a larger puzzle, helping law enforcement connect vital dots.

Although you may not see the immediate impact of your report, rest assured it plays a significant role in ongoing investigations. Due to our commitment to anonymity, we can’t acknowledge your specific contributions, but know that your information is valuable and actively supporting efforts to keep our community safe.

Your Role in Crime Prevention

Anonymity is crucial in encouraging people to come forward with information they might otherwise keep to themselves. Many crimes go unsolved because witnesses or those with information fear retribution or stigma. By protecting your identity, we help ensure that valuable tips are shared without hesitation.

How to Report Suspicious Activity

If something doesn’t feel right, trust your instincts. By reporting suspicious activities, you provide valuable information that helps law enforcement prevent and solve crimes. Even small details can be the missing piece in a larger puzzle.

Your actions can prevent crimes, protect your neighbours, and contribute to the safety of Brisbane. Remember, being a Local Legend isn’t just about what you see, but what you do with that information. They’ll never know it was you. Together, we can keep the city safe for everyone.

Make the Right Call

  • In an emergency or if the crime is happening now, always call Triple Zero (000).
  • If you need police assistance, but it’s not an emergency, you can contact Policelink on 131 444 or visit
  • Want to share info about non-urgent crime or suspicious activity anonymously? Reach out to Crime Stoppers Qld on 1800 333 000 or make a report online.