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Dob in a Dealer

Did you know that Australia has one of the highest rates of illegal use per capita of drugs in the world? Help stop the manufacture and dealing of illicit drugs in our neighbourhoods.

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Did you know that Australia has one of the highest rates of illegal use per capita of drugs in the world?

Criminal drug related activity is not only costing Australians millions of dollars in healthcare and law enforcement, but it is tragically and unnecessarily costing hundreds of human lives each year.

The Australian Government and Crime Stoppers’ ‘Dob in a Dealer’ campaign aims to stop the manufacture, supply and dealing of drugs in Australian local communities by reporting drug-dealers and drug related activity.

Drug use stops with the dealers and Crime Stoppers need support from its local communities to identify dealers of illicit drugs.

It’s your community. So, it’s your call.

Help create a safer, drug free environment for you and your family by calling our free anonymous hotline on 1800 333 000 or sharing what you know via our online form.